Item Maintenance – Add Items
Applies to:  KeepStock  Inventory Scan

Add a specific Grainger Item to a program:

  1. Begin transaction using menu path Item Admin – Master Data – Items
  2. Use the filter field to filter the data in the program drop down field or leave blank to list all programs in the drop down.  Example: Entering CAR will return the following results: cardinal health and McArthur.
  3. Click the button.
  4. The Master Catalog Search page will be displayed.
  5. Enter the specific part number in and click on display.
  6. A box comes up letting you know that the master catalog search is loading



  7. Click on the select link to select that item.

    NOTE:  Grainger product information will be added to the new Program Item from the Master catalog in the Inventory Solutions application.

  8. Add Item to Program page is displayed.
  9. Select the program from the drop down.
  10. Then enter in the following customer attributes:
  11. Field R/O/C Description
    Expire Date O Enter a specified date to make an item ineligible to purchase, add or search for.  
    Vendor Part # X Field hard-coded with Grainger Sku
    Min Order Qty X Field hard-coded with the min order qty set forth by Grainger
    Fixed Location R Enter customer’s fixed location for item
    Hazmat Code O Enter a alpha-numeric to identify the hazmat status of a material, this is not Grainger’s Hazmat Code.
    Min Inventory Qty R Enter Min Qty
    Max Inventory Qty R Enter Max Qty
    Reorder Qty O Enter a specific order quantity for material.  Must be in multiples of Grainger’s Min Order Qty.
    Taxability C Only available if customer’s program is Exempt.  If program is taxable this field will be restricted to taxable only.
    Customer Part # O Enter customer part # if they have one
    Customer Description O Enter customer specific description if they have one


  12. Click on the Add button to add item to program.
  13.  Item is added and you are brought back to the Add Item to program page to add the next item.

Add an item to a program by searching the Grainger Master Catalog:

  1. Begin transaction using menu path Item Admin – Master Data – Items.
  2. Use the drop down to select the Program name.
  3. Click the button.
  4. The Master Catalog Search page will be displayed.
  5. You can search the Grainger Master Catalog using the following search criteria:
    Field Description
    Part # Enter all or part of a Grainger SKU.  I.e. entering 1AV will find all items that start with 1AV
    Description Entering all or part of a description.  I.e. entering la will find all items that have la in any part of the description – lamp, blade, etc…
    Manufacturer Select from the drop down the manufacturer name.
    Manufacturer Part # Entering all or part of the Manufacturer part number.  i.e. entering s20 will find all items that have s20 in any part of the manufacturer’s part number – s2000x, cs20ma, etc…
  6. Then click on .
  7. All items will be displayed at the bottom of the page matching that search criteria.
  8. To select an item click on the link.
  9. Add Item to Program page is displayed.
  10. Select the program from the drop down.
  11. Then enter in the following customer attributes:
    Field R/O/C Description
    Expire Date O Enter a specified date to make an item ineligible to purchase, add or search for.  
    Vendor Part # X Field hard-coded with Grainger Sku
    Min Order Qty X Field hard-coded with the min order qty set forth by Grainger
    Fixed Location R Enter customer’s fixed location for item
    Hazmat Code O Enter a alpha-numeric to identify the hazmat status of a material, this is not Grainger’s Hazmat Code.
    Min Inventory Qty R Enter Min Qty
    Max Inventory Qty R Enter Max Qty
    Reorder Qty O Enter a specific order quantity for material.  Must be in multiples of Grainger’s Min Order Qty.
    Taxability C Only available if customer’s program is Exempt.  If program is taxable this field will be restricted to taxable only.
    Customer Part # O Enter customer part # if they have one
    Customer Description O Enter customer specific description if they have one
  12. Click on the Add button to add item to program.
  13.  Item is added and you are brought back to the Add Item to program page to add the next item.

    NOTE: If you attempt to add a non-van eligible item to a van program you will be asked to select a non-van program to add this item to.

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