Barcode Labels – Creating
Applies to:  KeepStock  Inventory Scan

To generate ALL barcode labels for a program:

1.      Follow the menu path Item Admin -> Barcode Labels -> Print

2.      Use the filter field to filter the data in the program drop down field or leave blank to list all programs in the drop down.  Example: Entering CAR will return the following results: cardinal health and McArthur. 

 3.      Use the drop down to select the Label Format

4.      Use the Sort by field to sort by Fixed Location, Vendor Part # or Customer Part #.  Then select to have these sorted either in Asc (Ascending) or Desc (Descending) order.


5.      Click the button to view all items assigned to the Program



6.      (Optional) Enter quantity of labels if more that one is required in the Label Quantity column.

7.      Click the button to add all items to your list of labels to print. Page refreshes and all items are added to “My List”.

8.      To view the items that is in your list click on the “My List” button.  To Purge all your items in your list click on “Purge My List”

9.      Users have the ability to select where they want to start printing labels on the label page.  Enter the label position to start printing at. (i.e. Print at label postion 5)

10. Click the button

Note:  Depending on the number of items the Generate Labels function may   take several seconds.

11. When the label generation is complete, you will see information that indicates

“xxx Label(s) written on xx Page(s)”

12. Click the to view the labels in Adobe Acrobat – Please note that the starting label is in Label position 5 on the label page.


NOTE – From Adobe Acrobat you will be able to print the labels to label stock or print them to plain paper to produce a bar code catalog, or you can save the .pdf file to your hard drive to print later or attach to an email.



To print the file, please refer to the instructions for “Printing and aligning labels”

To generate SELECTED barcode labels for a program (create a barcode list)

Create a list of barcode labels that you want to print.  You can create or add to your list by searching for program items with shared attributes (i.e. all labels modified last week), or by using the check box next to displayed item(s) to select the item(s) to print.

To select items with shared attributes to add to your list:

1.      Follow the menu path Item Admin -> Barcode Labels -> Print

2.      Use the filter field to filter the data in the program drop down field or leave blank to list all programs in the drop down.  Example: Entering CAR will return the following results: cardinal health and McArthur. 

                 3.      Use the drop down to select the Label Format

4.      Use the Sort by field to sort by Fixed Location, Vendor Part # or Customer Part #.  Then select to have these sorted either in Asc (Ascending) or Desc (Descending) order.

5.      If you want to select a group of labels that have shared attribute(s), enter search criteria in one attribute field, or a combination of attribute fields: 


Field Name/Attribute


Item Id

Enter the Item Id (Bar Code Label ID).  The system will locate any exact match in the program.

Fixed Location

Enter all or part of the fixed location(s).  I.e. entering 2-B will find “Unit 2-B-2” and “Cabinet 3-H-2-B”

Item Description

Enter any portion of the Item Description.  I.e. entering “mot” will find “Motors”, but will also find “Grease, automotive”

Part #

Enter all or part of the Vendor Part #.  I.e. entering 2C will find all Part #’s starting with the characters “2C”

Modified From:

Enter the Modified From date in MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar icon  to choose the date.


Modified To:

Enter the Modified To date in MM/DD/YYY format, or use the calendar icon  to choose the date.

Note:  If you leave Modified To date blank the program will select all records created or modified on the Modified From date to current date.

Created From:

Enter the Created From date in MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar icon  to choose the date.

Created To:

Enter the Created To date in MM/DD/YYY format, or use the calendar icon  to choose the date. 

Note:  If you leave Created To date blank the program will select all records created on the Created From date to current date.


6.      Click  to view the results of your search..

7.      Click  to add the item to the list of labels to be printed


NOTE:  To modify the search, modify, delete or enter additional attributes and click on the  button again to display the new results.


To select specific items to add to your list:


1.      Display the results of a search for program items.

2.      Click on the “Select/Deselect” Icon


3.      Click on the check box next to the items you want to print.

4.      Click the  button to add the selected items to your list.

 To remove all items from your list:

1.      Click the  to view the items you have selected

2.      Use the checkbox in the upper left hand corner of my list to select all items in My List

3.      Click the  button to remove all items.


To remove selected items from your list:

1.      Click the  to view the items you have selected

2.      Use the checkbox in the upper left hand corner of my list to deselect all items in My List, then select specific items you wish to remove from you list by checking the box to the left of that line item.

3.      Click the  button to remove selected items.


To view your list and generate labels for items on your list:

1.      Click the  to view the items you have selected

2.      Click the  button

3.      Note:  Depending on the number of items the Generate Labels function may   take several seconds.

4.      When the label generation is complete, you will see information that indicates

“xxx Label(s) written on xx Page(s)”

5.      Click the  to view the labels in Adobe Acrobat


  1. Click the  to view the labels in Adobe® Reader®.
    NOTE: From Adobe® Reader® you will be able to print the labels to label stock or print them to plain paper to produce a bar code catalog, or you can save the .pdf file to your hard drive to print later or attach to an email.

To print the file, please refer to the instructions for Printing and Aligning labels.

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